Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are Tareq and Michaele Salahi OUT Of "RHODC"?

Ut's looking like it! Can't say this is a big surprise:
Michaele and Tareq Salahi's fifteen minutes of fame may be up now that I've learned publicly-annoyed Bravo has decided not to invite the White House party crashers back to tape another season of 'The Real Housewives Of DC.'   "The DC show is the only show in the entire franchise that isn't a true hit," an insider tells me. "And the Salahi's are the biggest reason for that. At first, execs thought they struck gold with all the attention the couple got over the White House dinner. But now they realize not all press is good press and this couple's involvement in the show has turned more viewers off than on." Sources tell me the couple's behavior on camera hasn't upset Bravo executives as much as their behavior off camera. First the Salahi's refused to show up for the launch party, then they had the nerve to throw their own competing party and ask guests to pay to attend. But the final straw came to light just this week, when the couple claimed (in a new book about them) that their "iron-clad" contract with Bravo doesn't allow them to talk about the White House-crashing incident to the media. 
Bravo released a statement denying those allegations:
"Bravo [has] consistently and repeatedly stated to the Salahis and their representatives that they were free to speak to press, law enforcement, Congress and anyone else about attending the State Dinner. Indeed, they have given multiple press interviews on that very subject."
Bravo, I hate to tell you but...this show isn't a hit because quite frankly: IT'S BORING!!! It has NOTHING to do with the bad press the Salahi's are getting. As a matter of fact, they are the only real drama that the show has. No one would tune into the show if it wasn't for them. And believe me, I say that with the utmost sincerity!


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