Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Speidi Is Now BROKE + Blew Through $10 MILLION!

It appears that KARMA is a bigger bitch than Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag.

The reality couple are revealing that they are FLAT BROKE, blowing through  *wait for it*......$10 MILLION!


How did they do this one might ask: renting a posh $35,000 per month Malibu pad, $3 million on Heidi's panned music career including buying songs for $40,000 a piece, renting studios and paying producers plus hundreds of thousands on Heidi's surgeries and aftercare, six cars, healing crystals and private jets.

And get this...that's not the worst of their problems. They also owe $2 million in taxes, are considering filing for bankruptcy and are homeless.

*blank stare*

I hate to be immature, but naaa nannny boo boo!
"We were immature, worrying too much about the famous part instead of the actual business part. In hindsight, we shouldn't have spent any of our money. We should have been low-key and saved." Spencer continues, ""We spoke with a bankruptcy attorney and I've looked into unemployment checks."
I hate to laugh, but I AM!!!
"We thought The Hills was going to be like 90210 and we'd have another five to 10 years," Spencer says. "The ratings were consistent. But we never saw Jersey Shore coming. Before, TV audiences were fine with seeing us all argue, but now they want you to punch one another in the face and hook up with three different people. Our cast was a bit boring and snoozeworthy in comparison. No wonder we got canceled."
This statement shows me that Spencer STILL doesn't get it! So, because you had a hit REALITY SHOW, you were justified in blowing through $10 Million? What an idiot.....

Heidi explains:
"At our lowest point, I considered posing for nude pictures in Playboy," Heidi, who had previously posed for the magazine clothed, admits. What stopped her? Spencer's parents' appeal for her to keep her clothes on in exchange for living in their guesthouse--a studio apartment. "I feel like I'm 14 years old again," Spencer says. "My parents are my lifeline." And for once, his statements aren't an exaggeration. "Spencer's parents go to the grocery store for us once a week," Heidi says, "and that's all we get."

"We don't want sympathy," Spencer says. "We did this to ourselves and feel like idiots. But we've grown up and are definitely not as naive anymore."
I don't know about yall, but I don't feel sorry for these two AT ALL!!! You're right: you DID bring this behavior on yourselves. Now, be ADULTS and deal with it.....

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