Saturday, January 8, 2011

Are "Patra" Braids Making A Coming? - Solange And Brandy


This is a trend that should stop IMMEDIATELY!!!

Both Brandy (who is one of the originators of these sort of braids) and Solange Knowles have been spotted recently rocking the big, long, box braids. I'm all for becoming a trend setter and switching up your style every now and again, but this is similar to the geri-curl making a coming back, IMO.

Am I trapped in 1995? Or better yet, should I go back to rocking "Used" jeans and "Etonics" (if you don't know what "Etonics" are, get off this blog because you are clearly too young to read the content, k)? 

All of this to say....NOPE, I Ain't Feeling It!

More flix under the break....


NOPE...still ain't feeling it!

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