Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hillary Clinton Does NOT Support Gay Marriage!

SHOCKING! I had no clue......

Even though I have an astronomical amount of respect for Secretary Hillary Rodham-Clinton, her stance on gay marriage makes me sad!

Her husband Bill Clinton echoed her same sentiments, but in 2009 he took a stance and changed his opinion and said he had "just been hung up the word". But not Hillary:
Many of his gay friends are in committed relationships, former president Bill Clinton said in 2009. As far as marriage goes, he said, he had just been “hung up about the word.” .... But on the phone, Clinton is circumspect about her husband’s comments. “Well, I share his experience because we obviously share a lot of the same friends, but I have not changed my position,” she says without elaborating.
But she does continue and say:
“I just really have a strong negative reaction to prejudice, discrimination, hatred, violence — anything that tries to delegitimize or marginalize any of our fellow human beings."
Kinda hypocritical to say, don't ya think? Denying someone their right to happy-ness (whether that is walking down the street or gays marrying) is the EXACT same thing as "prejudice, discrimination, hatred, violence"....In My Opinion!

Hopefully Obama AND Hillary will see the light *fingers crossed*


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