Friday, January 14, 2011

Kim Kardashian: My Body Is Better Than Yours!

Thank GOD my self esteem is where I'd like it to be because looking at this picture of Kim Kardahian (recently tweeted) in a skimpy black bikini, coupled with a "slutty-red-lip" at a photoshoot, I just don't know what I would do with myself in my younger " Flash" days.

*long hard sigh*

WELP, at least she knows what her money makers are! I've said it time and time again, how can anyone be mad at Kim K? She is capitalizing on her popularity, and I'm quite sure all of us would do the same if we were in her shoes.

She is a "PROBLEM"!!! Oooooh Weeeee!

Image: Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Weeeerrrqqqq bitch but next time let's make sure face matches ur neck lol. Uummmkay
