Tuesday, January 11, 2011

RHONY Speaks On Daughter's Use Of The N-Word

Last week we reported the big scandal amongst the Real Housewives of New York cast where Countess LuAnn de Lesseps' daughter Victoria was involved in a chat with a friend over the internet where she used the n-word, and was also seen "allegedly rolling a joint". Now, the Countess is coming forward and speaking on it:
"I am the parent of a teenager, and as any parent can attest, teenagers go through periods of doing things that are wrong and not appropriate and that are later regretted," she tells me. "My daughter Victoria knows that the behavior she exhibited was unacceptable. I have chosen to deal with this as a private family matter and an opportunity to discuss consequences of our actions."
And how does Ramona feel about her role in all of this when she Retweeted the video to her Twitter followers?
"I'm not very tech savvy, and [I'm] heartbroken that I accidentally retweeted this. I called Luann and Victoria immediately to apologize and tell them to remove the video. Regardless of our catfights on the show, our children are off-limits."
Mmmm Hmmm!


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