Monday, January 10, 2011

Tami Roman Speaks On Fight With Jennifer Williams, Her Ex Kenny Anderson, and The Drama On "Basketball Wives"

Team TAMI!!!


  1. Another bad reflection on black women...she is GHETTO, overbearing, jealous-hearted, and it's also reflected in her daughters who were shown on the show...did you see those bad weaves for girls so mother like daughters...its sad, pitiful and she is just jealous of Jennifer.

  2. How do you sign a prenup and not know what is says and end up with dumb and further solidifies the extent of her GHETTONESS!!!!

  3. First things first...Dear Ladies TV or whoever you are please fire your stylist and hairdresser immediately. I can not take your interviewer serious with that nappy mullet shag and dreadful ensemble...

    Lol at the first comment those daughters look a mess and are a reflection on the mother. TAMI boo to your life, epic fail, F minus, etc etc.

  4. @ Anonymous - *collapses* Not a fan of Tami, eh? LOL

  5. I am not so upset with Tami, she was honest. She was ashamed of her situation and Jennifer just reminded her of it... I do not believe that Jennifer was trying to pour salt in Tami's wounds. It is what it is. I like Jennifer. I respect Tami because she does keep it real; even if she gets ghetto!
