Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ummmmmm, Is That You Shia LaBeouf???


*rubs eyes*

I swear on everything I love, I thought this was Gerard Butler at first glance! What in the steroid-sweaty-Chewbacca HELL is going on here?

A barely recognizable Shia LeBeouf (Transformers, Wall Street) was spotted in Los Angeles yesterday getting his fitness on. 

I'm guessing this look is for an upcoming movie? Let's hope, because this is NOT what's hot in the streets!

Images: GinsburgSpaly

1 comment:

  1. DAYYUM was sssoooooooooooo hoping that n the nex pic down his shorts were goin 2 b a wweeeeeeeeeee bit lower DONT JUDGE ME lol
