Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Did Khloe Kardashian Dye Her Hair Back To Brunette?

WELP! So long to Khloe Kardashian aka "Big Red" 's period-stained hair. The loud mouth of the Kardashian pac announced to her followers via Twitter that she is back to brunette!
“I had to dye my hair back to brown. I love being a brunette don’t get me wrong but red was SOO much fun! I was only red for a like a week :( The red was too short lived! I’ll be a red head again but today I’m being a brat because I want my red hair back now LOL You guys are making me sadder… LOL most of you guys loved the red too! Soon I’ll be red! Promise.”
Well what the hell happened??? I'm hearing reports that E! Television made Khloe dye her hair back! Huh? I guess when they're cutting the check, I would do as I'm told as well....

I liked the red on Khloe....did you guys?

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