Monday, January 10, 2011

You Wanna See Sherri Shepherd's Ring???

Awwwww, and it's so purrrrrty!

Gushing about her new man L.A.-based TV writer Lamar Sally, Sherri Shepherd reveals:
“For Christmas, he had a present for Jeffrey — it was a game,” she said. “And he said to Jeffrey, ‘Can I marry your mom?’ And Jeffrey’s like, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to play with my game!’ And he got on one knee, and he said, ‘Mrs. Shepherd, would you be my wife?’ And I said ‘yeah!’" It was on one of Sally’s recent visits to New York that Shepherd realized the depth of his connection to her son. “Jeffrey goes, ‘Mommy, I want Sal to take me to church, not you. Only Sal,’” Shepherd recalls. “And they walked hand in hand down the block to church. And I just said, you know, this man not only loves me, but he adores my son. And my son adores him.”
Just precious...Congrats to Sherri!

Image: The View

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