Thursday, February 10, 2011

Howard Stern Is PEEVED At Prince For Kicking Kim Off The Stage!

Seems like Kim Kardashian has an ally! Howard Stern is coming to the defense of the popular reality babe after Prince kicked her off the stage for not dancing at his Madison Square Garden concert.

The famed radio jock says:
"He seems to be an arrogant asshole lately. The guy is just weird, he gives concerts with the lights out. She doesn't know what to do. Apparently she's supposed to dance like a stripper for him and she just stood there not knowing what to do. He throws her off the stage because she can't read fucking Prince's mind. He's a bullshit artist. I'm done with him."
Bullshit artist? Are we talking about the same Prince? What's bullshit is your hairstyle, sir!

First and foremost, I would NEVER guess in a million years that Howard Stern, of all people, would be defending Kim K. The "end" is clearly approaching.

But sir, how dare you "come" for the Purple-GOD in such a way!?!? It was a joke, dammit!!! If you've ever attended a Prince concert or know anything about him, he does this to many people when they're invited on the stage.

Stern, go have sex with your wife and calm down!

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