Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rihanna Opens Up To VOGUE Magazine About Her Father's Betrayal

In the April 2011 issue of VOGUE magazine, pop star Rihanna opens up about her father's (Ronald Fenty) betrayal in selling stories and photos of his daughter during the aftermath of the Chris Brown beating:
“It really makes me question what I have become to my father. Like, what do I even mean to him?” a tearful Rihanna told the magazine. “It’s really strange. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it, because you grow up with your father, you know him, you are a part of him, for goodness’ sakes! And then he does something so bizarre that I can’t begin to wrap my mind around it. You hear the horror stories about people going behind people’s backs and doing strange things, but you always think, Not my family. My father would never do that to me.”

“My dad went to the press and just told them a bunch of lies. Because he hadn’t talked to me after…that whole thing…. He never called to find out how I was doing, if I was alive, nothing. He just never called. He went straight to the press and got a check. And now he does it again.”
SMH! Money will make people do some crazy things...EVEN FAMILY! I'm not even surprised....

More flix of the spread under the break....


1 comment:

  1. YYEEESS RiRi what u goona with that short red cut and that blue number WERQ Ri ima fan
