Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rihanna Speaks On The "Relaxed" Restraining Order On Chris Brown

"You can never please people. That's my doesn't mean we're getting married tomorrow. It doesn't mean we're gonna be in a relationship, or make up, or even talk ever again. It just means I didn't want to object to the judge. What he did to me was a personal thing. It had nothing to do with his career. Saying [he can't perform at awards show] definitely made it difficult for him. We don't have to talk again ever in my life. I just didn't want to make it more difficult for him professionally."
It takes a stand up girl to not want to affect him professionally! Does she still care about him? Hmmmmmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah RiRi way to go, u hurt is paper long enough now when yall getting back together SHIT

    sidebar: my girl is preparing that paper for the future when they get back together and i aint even mad
