Thursday, May 19, 2011

More Juicy Details Surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger's Affair!

Doesn't the mistress look like the lady who killed "Selena" in the movie? *runs and hides*

Some new developments have been brought to the forefront of this Arnold Schwarzenegger/Maria Shriver/Mildred Baena debacle!

First and foremost, it is being reported that Maria has now hired prominent LA-based divorce attorney Laura Wasser. She also handled the Britney Spears/Kevin Federline divorce. A source told People magazine: "Maria hasn't decided yet if she wants to end her marriage." 

Look! If she hired her, we might be having a divorce on our hands! And honestly, rightfully so.....

Also pics of the house where Guatemalan-born Mildred Baena, 50, lives have surfaced online. The home, of course is currently swarmed by paparazzi and news reporters, is located in Bakersfield, CA, a few hrs outside of LA.

More pics and info under the break....


Nice house, eh??? Hush present or an appreciative gift for being so loyal? Hmmmmmmmmm!

According to TMZ, some other info has been found about Mildred's relationship with Arnold and his family:
  •  Mildred Patty Baena had an obsession with Maria .We're told Patty felt she was naturally "gorgeous" and wanted to look just like Maria.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger singlehandedly financed a super-expensive coming-of-age birthday party for his baby mama's niece in 2001 ... and all of Arnold's kids were there -- including his love child.(DIRTY!)
  • Arnold allegedly posed for a picture during Christmas 2000 with Maria and a kid who resembles the love-child!
WHEW! Too much!!!

I'm also hearing a report now that the kid is around 14-years old, and not around 10 which the public originally thought. Making Maria and Mildred pregnant around the same time!!!! Arnold and Maria's youngest child is 13-years old. Keep in mind, this report is NOT confirmed. But if so.....SMH!!!

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