Monday, May 16, 2011

Penelope Cruz Covers US VOGUE!

Who knew Penelope had freckles?!?! Uber cute....

Spanish actress and Oscar winner Penelope Cruz shows off her natural side on the cover of US VOGUE for their June 2011 issue. 

When asked by VOGUE about how having a baby changed her life, Mizz Cruz became a bit teary-eyed. Awwwwww!

Peep her response under the break......

 LOOOOOOVE this pic!

"One second... This has never happened to me. This is really funny. I'm sorry. It's unexpected. From the first second, you feel so much love. It is a revolutionary experience. That's the best way I can describe it. It transforms you completely, in a second. Nature is very wise and gives you nine months to prepare, but in that moment, when you see that face, you are transformed forever. Even if you have heard from all your friends and family, 'This is what's going to happen,' until it happens to you, it's hard to understand in your soul."


Images: US VOGUE

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