Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Christina Aguilera Is Eating Good, Eh?

I can NOT be the only one to notice that pop star Christina Aguilera has gotten a little thick since splitting from her ex-hubby and moving on to her new beau Matt Rutler!? I mean, I understand what a new relationship brings on: laying up, sexing, eating, drinking....which all leads to weigh gain, but c'mon Christina! 

The "Ain't No Other Man" singer was spotted at the Upside East Lounge in Munich, Germany earlier today looking rather healthy. And hear me and hear me clear, I can appreciate when a woman in the public eye isn't rail thin. It's a rarity. But I just thought I'd lightly tap Lady Aguilera on the shoulder to let her know that new relationships often times can be the death of a woman in the weight department.

Images: Getty Images

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