Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fabolous...WHO DIS???

Hmmmmmmm. And don't get me wrong. She could be one of those DESPERATE groupie-hang-ons (GET.A.LIFE.!!!!!), or she could be his new side-piece. You be the judge, Dancers!

Rapper Fabolous was spotted exercising his pimp game last night as he hit up Club Perfection strip club in Queens, NY last night for an "all-white" party. 

All white party? Strip club? Ooooooh, yall so fancy!

It's being reported that Fab dropped around $30K in the club as well. $30K?!?!?!?!? There are people starving (Flash included) around the world. REALLY?

More flix of Fab and his "girl" under the break....


Somebody....Anybody go check on Emily B, please!

Images: AllEyesOnWho


  1. Looks like a groupie to me..She doesn't even seem like his type.

  2. My ONLY questioN about this guy is DID HE GET THAT DAMN TOOTH FIXED YET
