Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jennifer Aniston: "The Break Up" Helped Me Get Over Brad Pitt

I'm almost positive that Jennifer Aniston is so OVER talking about her ex-husband Brad Pitt. But hey, once you're in the public eye and had such a public divorce like she did, I guess you just get used to it and roll with the punches, eh?

Lady Aniston gave a recent interview with James Lipton for her Inside the Actor's Studio appearance when she was asked about starring in the movie 2006 smash hit movie, The Break Up, with ex Vince Vaughn:
"It was a beautiful human story about a couple breaking up...You know, I was slightly familiar on the topic and the issue. I honestly felt like, what a great way to sort of exorcise some of that. I was like, why not? Turn the page, let's move on." Her romantic heartache made the role "easier" to do, she said. "I enjoyed it! You'd think otherwise."
I love me some Jennifer Aniston. She appears to have such a good spirit, even now, about that rough time in her life. As for that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt? Let God handle them.....

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