Monday, September 12, 2011

WATCH THIS! Little Girl From Youtube Cries Because She Doesn't "Want To Turn Black" (VIDEO)

First and foremost, I DO NOT FIND THIS FUNNY AT ALL!!! And the fact that her parents had the UNMITIGATED GALL to post this on Youtube like it was funny, is beyond believable! I swear, there should be a law passed that will allow everyone from now on to become parents...DISGUSTING!
So my 3 year old daughter asked me why some of her barbie dolls were black and some were white. Jokingly, I replied that all little girls turn black on their 4th birthday (as her birthday was roughly a week away) and the reaction was worth recording......
PS - Ummmmm, did she smack her father? Oh HELLLLL nawww!


1 comment:

  1. i dont think the lil girl was associating the word "blk" and being racists. i honestly dont think she understood. i think she was scared cause her dad was teasing he. Somebosy needs to call the people on him
