Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Janet Performs On American Idol (VIDEO)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't honestly contain myself, Dancers......I need a minute! *okay, I'm back*

Did you guys just witness what I did??? Janet Jackson performing her hits "Nothing" and "Nasty Boys" on the American Idol  stage for their season finale, and looking EVERY OUNCE OF PHUCKIN FABULOUS!!!

Who wears a cat suit at 40+, and kills alllllll 20 year olds? ANSWER: Janet.....Miss Jackson if ya nasty!!!!!!!!!

Hunnnnnniiiiiiiii, I'm just in utter amazement at this woman.......I LOVE HER DEARLY!

Kids, bow down at the throne.....'til all!

PS - Did I mention how PHUCKIN' fabulous Janet looked? Okay....enough! I'm totally exhausted now from dancing....toodles!

1 comment:

  1. HUNNNNNN-T....wowowowoow! Speechless...shut the party down "Beyonce who? Rhianna who?" HUNNNN-T
