Friday, September 10, 2010

The Gays Are PEEVED At 50 Cent!!!

I knew this was coming!

What you don't wanna do is piss the gays off, because when they come after you, they come HARD (no pun intended).

A couple of days ago, 50 Cent went on one of his IGNORANT and bad spelling/grammar rants on Twitter, like he always does, and put up a tweet that said:
“Perez Hilton calld me douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better.“
The tweet was accompanied by a photo of two men in suits running from an angry mob. NOT COOL!

Now, the good folks over at GLAAD want 50 to apologize and let his fans know that anti-gay violence isn’t something to joke about.


In my opinion, some people will ALWAYS be ignorant...not matter how much $$$ and world experience they have.

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