Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Snooki: We're Being Unfairly Judge

"One time we were in a bar and a guy walked by and said, 'You are everything that's wrong with this country today.' I was taken back by that. There's the economy, poverty, equal rights -- and Jersey Shore is the worst thing that's wrong? I think no one knows how we really are. We have, like, different sides. Obviously you see us on the show we party, we do this, and we do that. But outside of the show, we're very quiet. I'll go to frickin' Barnes & Nobles, get a coffee and just sit down and read," she says. "No one would ever think that. We have different sides to us and people don't see that."
Snooki, you know I love your dirty draws, but HONEY....all of the attention that you are receiving right now, you guys have brought on yourself (GOOD and BAD)!

Can I get an AMEN, Dancers?!?!

Think about it.....if we weren't talking about you, there would be NO Jersey Shore!


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