Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eva Longoria Wants Spousal Support!!!

Ut oh...this might get ugly!

Now that it's official that things are over between Eva Longoria and Tony Parker, the details from their split are leaking like piss on a toddler. Go figure....

Eva is said to be "devastated" over the breakup, and cites "irreconcilable differences" on the divorce papers filed in L.A. County Superior Court. Oh, and that's not all.....she wants spousal support! 

Ummmm, I'm not the one to be counting people's money but Eva, aren't you loaded? Oh aiiight....

Longoria and Parker signed a prenup on June 21, 2007 and it was amended in June, 2009.  The legal docs also mention the prenup.

Buckle up...this might get bumpy!


1 comment:

  1. I know thats rite miss Longoria, the nigga wanna mess around eh??? Get that paper. you may be loaded but u aint tell him to be texting that fluzzie. I know u prob turned down roles so u cld b by his side rite. Yeah i know no need to explain to me girl.

    *side bar* when u finish collecting that settlement can u buy 3 Chanels bags for me Flash and her sis THX

    @FLash did u say "like piss on a toddler" NOW THATS A CLASSIC
