Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sarah Palin's Daughter Uses Homophobic Slur!

And THIS is who some of you want running our country? She can't even raise her children that being prejudice and using homophobic slurs is NOT ok. I can't even.....

Sarah Palin's 16 year old daughter Willow got into a heated war of words with a young guy on Facebook who isn't too fond of the Palin's new reality show: Sarah Palin's Alaska. So much so that young Willow used the F-word when referring to the boy!

Tisk Tisk...

A boy named Tre who went to school with the Palin kids wrote a status update that read, "Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing so hard right now." Willow replied to him and said:
"Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I've seen pictures of, your disgusting ... My sister had a kid and is still hot."

"Tre stfu. Your such a f**got."

Bristol even got in on the action and said:
"You're running your mouth just to talk sh*t."
Ummmmmm, Bristol...we don't want our DWTS champion to use that sort of language, missy!!!

She continued:
"You'll be as successful as my baby daddy, And actually I do work my ass off. I've been a single mom for the last two years."
For the life of me, I can't understand why people put all of their business on social networking sites, especially when you're in the public eye. DUMMY!

Willow finished her rant by saying:
"Sorry that you guys are all jealous of my families success and you guys aren't goin to go anywhere with y our lives."
What type of schooling are these kids receiving in Alaska??? Grammatical errors like a mug.

Sources connected to the Palin family say Willow normally doesn't use this type of language, but she felt like she was being attacked along with her family.  The source added it was the baby bear defending Mama Grizzly.

Yeah...okay. SEAT!


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