Awwwww! MOTHER.....
Wednesday night's two-hour American Idol episode started with 61 contestants going to Vegas – and came to an abrupt halt back in L.A. As the judges winnowed down the singers to the top 24, Jennifer Lopez broke it to Chris Medina, a performer with a big burden of heartache, that he was out of the competition.I think JLo's breakdown had a lot more to do with sending Chris home to his handicapped fiance without the Idol prize. Poor thing.....
Chris dealt well with the rejection: He thanked the judges for the touching moment during auditions when they met with his wheelchair-bound fiancée, Juliana, who'd been hurt terribly in a car accident. Because of that opportunity, he said, "Juliana's more popular than I am."
WELP! Everything happens for a reason....TRUST!
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