Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Will Be Charged With A FELONY For Stolen Jewelry!

This girl can NOT win....SMH!

Lindsay Johan will be charged with felony grand theft ... TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the case tell TMZ the L.A. County District Attorney will file the case as early as Monday. Lindsay is accused of stealing a $2,500 necklace from a Venice, CA jewelry store on January 22.  Surveillance video from the store shows Lindsay with the necklace in question and there are photos of her wearing what appears to be the same necklace a week later. If convicted ...  Lindsay faces a maximum of three years in state prison. Sources connected with Lindsay tell TMZ ... Lindsay says she'll fight the charge and she's sticking with her story that she took the jewelry on loan. The case could also have a dramatic impact on her ongoing DUI case in Beverly Hills since she is currently on probation. The D.A.'s office just issued a statement to an L.A. wire service that no decision has been made.  TMZ reiterates  -- Lindsay Lohan will be charged with felony grand theft.

Sources connected with Lindsay tell TMZ ... LiLo thinks, "People just don't believe me and know I'm in a vulnerable position."  She thinks the jewelry store owner is seizing the moment by concocting a story that Lindsay stole the jewelry.  Lindsay insists it was loaned to her.

And we're told ... Lindsay is "extremely nervous" about the prospect of going back to jail.   Although she refers to the possible penalty as jail, it's actually a lot worse ... State prison.

Lindsay is telling people, "Nothing is worth going back."
So Dancers, whose side are you on??? I would think that Lindsay isn't that STUPID to steal a $2,500 necklace knowing that she is already on probation and could easily go back to prison. But celebrities have done far worse IMO.

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