Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mila Kunis Channels "Black Swan" On LA Times Magazine

She has such a unique, DARK look to her that makes her beautiful, yes?

Black Swan actress Mila Kunis covers the new LA TIMES magazine which appears as if she is channeling the movie which has sky-rocketed her into major FAME!

“It was the first movie I didn’t have to audition for,” Kunis recalls. “I was absolutely shocked. But I never questioned Darren [Aronofsky, director of "Black Swan"] about why he cast me. I didn’t want him second-guessing it.”

More flix from the spread under the break along with excerpts......

On her preferring to do comedic films:
“I love doing comedies. They’re just as hard, if not harder, to make work, compared with a drama. You work 17 hours a day, and you have to try to make things different and funny and relatable onscreen all at the same time. To find one that’s timeless is hard, because something you think is funny now won’t necessarily translate as something funny a year from now.”

“I know people say this all the time, but it’s true: I don’t ever want to work for the sake of working. I was very lucky to have a show for eight years [That '70s Show ]. Now I can sit back and think about what I want.”

Images: LA Times

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