Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lauren Conrad's MTV Reality Gets The AX!!!

WTF?!?!?!? This makes me sad!

It appears that reality starlet, and one of my faves, Lauren Conrad's new reality that she was currently filming is a no-go with MTV and the network!

So what happened? Well, LC told The Hollywood Reporter, “We sold a show to MTV, filmed it and are really proud of the final result. MTV felt the subject matter was too high brow for their audience and offered me the opportunity to change the show by incorporating more of my personal life. We agreed going into the project that this show would be an aspirational one, focusing on my career and my goals and not my personal relationships," Conrad continued. We delivered the show that we sold and are sorry MTV didn’t feel their viewers were savvy enough to appreciate it.”

Ooooooh, that was a READ!!!

“We decided not to go ahead with the show,” MTV’s head of programming David Janollari told Entertainment Weekly. “She did do a pilot. ... We love her! We would love her on our network,” Janollari says. “It was a great attempt, but it just didn’t feel like a perfect fit for us now.”

TRANSLATION: LC's show was BORING AS HELL!!!! I guess every show needs a "Heidi and Spencer". Dah well....

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