Monday, May 16, 2011

NBA Star Grant Hill Offers Anti-Gay PSA + Ignorant Twitter Followers React!

Yesterday on Twitter, many Grant Hill followers reacted quite negatively when a 30-second public service announcement featuring the NBA star encouraging young people to stop using the word "gay" to mean "dumb or stupid" surfaced online.

Here are some of the Tweets that he received from his followers:
That commercial with was

Yo Grant, for realz, that commercial was pretty gay.

you gay for that shit
Hey , I have a question. What is worse, something being called gay or Jalen Rose calling you an Uncle Tom?

After showing his followers some of the comments, Grant responded:
As you can see from my retweets, the PSA was necessary.
These ignorant, hateful, vile comments honestly make my stomach turn! I hear them constantly, and when a person uses the terms, I have to remind myself that ignorance is a "learned behavior". Parents/Future parents, you can stop the cycle. We have such a LOOONG way to go.

In related news, Phoenix Suns president and chief executive officer Rick Welts just announced that he was gay in an interview with The New York Times. Welts said he chose such a public forum to announce his sexual orientation to "engender conversation" on a topic not often discussed in professional sports. He also wanted to show young people "who are struggling with their own issues" that they can have a successful career, whether it be in team sports or something else.

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