Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Charlie Sheen's Former Goddess Speaks About How He Was In Bed!

WHY?????????? No, seriously....WHY? Anything for the limelight.

Former porn star and Charlie Sheen goddess Bree Olsen gave an exclusive interview with Playboy magazine where she was asked about her sex life with the former "Two and a Half Men" star:
“He’s intelligent, he’s charismatic, he’s super funny...And he’s good in bed. I mean, he’s had a lot of practice… [he was] gentle and considerate. He’s just a rock star. He’s a powerhouse. He is a very sensual and sexual person, and when I was with him I felt as if we became one together, because he’s just so enticing sexually."
Barf bag....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwwww

As for Bree and Charlie engaging in a threesome with her fellow goddess Natalie Kenly:
“That was a lie. I didn’t really even know her. Okay, all three of us got together, I think, twice… they did their thing together, and Charlie and I did our thing together. And we had two different beds. She and I would go to whichever bed, and he would pick.”

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