Monday, January 10, 2011

Lindsay Lohan And Samantha Ronson Have A Dinner Date!

I wish these two would either get back together or just leave each other alone. There can't be an in between with them....Lindsay's not stable! REAL TALK!
Lohan, who is navigating her way through life after rehab, moved into a house next door to Ronson's in Venice, Calif., when she left treatment. And Saturday night, the two neighbors broke bread at a nearby restaurant. After meeting at Ronson's home, the pair headed to Joe's in Venice for dinner. There they "shared a friendly dinner," says a source. "Lindsay has been begging Sam to see her and Sam finally gave in."
See what I mean? *side-eye*
After dinner, Lohan, 24 and Ronson, 33, took a stroll around the beach-side neighborhood. 
Samantha, you APPEAR to be sensible. This girl is in LOVE with you. I don't think being "friends/phuck buddies" with her is a good idea. Have you seen Fatal Attraction? 'Nuff said...


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