Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bret Lockett To Kim Kardashian: STOP LYING!

And the plot thickens....

As we reported yesterday, Kim Kardashian is involved in a naughty little scandal that involves allegations of her cheating on fiance Kris Humphries with NFL player Bret Lockett.

Bret spoke with TMZ yesterday to reveal that he is NOT LYING, and if Kim would like to take the legal route, he's not scared one bit to reveal text messages between the two.

Kim denies that she knows Bret altogether, but he is adamant that the two met last year through Kim's friend, actress Lauren London by Kim's urging!

I'm calling his BLUFF! If you have the text messages and proof that Kim is lying, SHOW IT! Enough wit the bullshyt!

Our blogging pal Amy Grindhouse has the transcript of his interview with TMZ. Get into it under the break....

  • On where things stand now: ‘[The threat of legal action] doesn’t bother me. When all the allegations are correct, and when all the facts are in place, it’s nothing to bother me at all. So, for her to [call me a liar] I’m kind of not shocked that she said that. But at the end of the day, I know what it is. And if she wants to go ahead and pursue those actions, then that’s not a problem with me.’
  • On how the two met: ‘You know, me and Kim, we met actually through my younger brother. He was talking to Lauren London, at the time, and I was doing me. He was doing football season and I got hurt last year, so I was doing my music thing and that’s how I hooked up with Kim. My brother asked for my number, he said ‘Lauren said Kim wants your number,’ and I said ‘That’s fine with me.’ At first I thought he was playing, I didn’t think he was serious at all. You know, how many times is Kim Kardashian going to ask for somebody’s number? So, I took it like a grain of salt and the next thing you know I had a call from her 10 minutes later. So, that’s how it all started.’
  • On when he first saw her: ‘Me and Kim, we started way back then, October, but we had a lot of scheduling conflicts; back and forth, back and forth. You know, we weren’t able to see each other as many times as we wanted to. But, at the end of the day, that’s what it was.’
  • On where he first physically met with her face-to-face: ‘I mean, I don’t even want to go into all that. I mean that’s really… [trails off]‘
  • On what city they met in: ‘I mean, she… it’s really irrelevant. It’s really irrelevant.’
  • On why Kardashian would say they never physically met nor were they ever in contact (and TMZ softballs and asks for a meeting place as vague as ‘a club’ or ‘a hotel in some city’): ‘I mean, like I said, what me and Kim do is what me and Kim do. All of that other stuff is irrelevant. I mean, there’s… it’s all ‘he said, she said’ and stuff. Everybody’s just… hustling and wanting to know what it is. At the end of the day, Kim knows what happened and I know what happened. So, I mean, Kim can deny this all she wants to, but if she wants to go the legal route and start recalling text messages, and conversations, and pictures and all of that, then that’s not a problem.’
  • On whether he is saying they had physical contact: ‘Like I said, what me and Kim do is what me and Kim do. I mean, I don’t… this is the first time ever… this is the first celebrity that I’ve dated. You know, it’s… I don’t have my life out in the tabloids, and I don’t want to have my life out in the tabloids, but this is the first time that something like this has happened.’
  • On why he talked to InTouch, if his life’s private: ‘Because, InTouch, at the end of the day, InTouch reached out to me. They said, ‘Brett Lockett, we have a leak that you and Kim Kardashian had a relationship,’ I said, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s… nothing happened,’ and she said, ‘You know, people are talking to me saying that… we’re going to run this story whether you like it or not, so either you tell us the full truth, or we’re going to get statements from Kim and whoever else is involved and then you’re not going to be able to tell your side of the story.’ So, at the end of the day, it’s either sit there and let somebody lie about the situation or sit there and tell everybody what actually went down with the situation. And, I’m the last person that’s gonna elaborate, or stretch anything out. I’m especially not going to bring my younger brother into this. I mean, he has nothing to do with it. And, for this to even make sense, I mean why… first of all, Lauren London’s friend has contacted my brother today, to-day, to want to speak to my brother… so, for this to actually happen… why is she contacting my brother?’
  • On who Lauren London is: ‘She’s an actor, if you guys don’t already know. And my brother was talking to Lauren London, prior to me and Kim talking.’
  • On why, if he’s private, he participated in an InTouch story he believed to be true already; violating Kardashian’s trust: ‘When they came to me they said they already had Kim’s statements… and Kim’s statements said, she had ‘no clue’ who I was. So, at the end of the day, it’s like [I can] sit here and look like an idiot or go out and tell the truth.’
  • On where, when asked at least for the third time by TMZ, they met… since Kardashian’s calling his bluff and it would help his cause: ‘Like I said, all of that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that it was a relationship, between a certain period of time, that overlapped with… I didn’t know at the time, but recently finding out, I guess she was talking to Kris Humphries at the time. So, this is all new… news to me, I did not know about this at all. So, therefore, it’s either does she want to participate and go forth saying that these are false accusations? If she wants to go through with that, that’s fine with me. But, at the end of the day, if she wants to bring Lauren into this… which, I mean, Lauren already kind of put herself in a bad situation… if she wants to bring Lauren into this and bring her lawyers into this then that’s all fine and dandy. You know, we’ll recall the texts and we’ll recall all of it and that’s it.’
  • On whether, to clarify, he has phone records: ‘I have phone records… and texts… and pictures.’
  • On the physical relationship: ‘There was a physical relationship. At the end of the day, I respect Kim as a woman; I respect Kim as a business woman. And, at the end of the day, Kim reached out to me. I did not reach out to Kim. So, for her to even go on with this… like, it would have been a total different story if Kim had said ‘Yeah, I knew him, but you know it didn’t go this, this and this way.’ So, if she had have gone that route, it would have been a total different story. But she didn’t go that route.’
  • On whether he got the legal threat yet: ‘I don’t know… I don’t know. I mean, my managers and PR people handle all that. I’ve been handling all this other stuff; I have football, and my charity that’s coming up. I have other stuff to worry about. I’m not worried about none of that.’
The mere fact that he avoids pertinent questions gets a MAYJAH *side-eye* from me!

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