Monday, July 18, 2011

SPOTTED: Jennifer Lopez Post-Divorce News

And she does NOT look happy! Awwwww, Mother!

Jennifer Lopez was spotted for the first time since announcing her split from husband Marc Anthony.

The Latin sensation appeared rather annoyed with the paparazzi as she was being chauffeured in her car leaving a six-hour photo shoot  at MILK studios in Hollywood yesterday. 

While JLo was on the West Coast tending to work, her soon to be ex Marc performed at a concert in Bogota, Columbia where he tried to make light of his divorce:
"They're saying I'm single," Anthony, 42, joked to cheers from the huge crowd at the Símon Bolívar Metropolitan Park in Bogotá. Never mentioning Lopez, 41, by name, Anthony, dressed in a dark suit and open-necked shirt, ran through a rousing set of romantic salsa hits and blew kisses at girls in the crowd, which sang along.
And with the news of their surprising split, sources are popping up left and right to blab about the divorce being in the making for months now:
“I know Marc’s short fuse and explosive temper has been an issue. I’ve always thought Jennifer had learned to deal with that. After all, it’s not like she’s not one to handle herself in big verbal battle. She can let loose herself. … I’ve seen her launch some pretty strong screaming matches!” Meanwhile, a source close to the couple indicated that there were a few folks in the Lopez/Anthony inner circle who knew ahead of time that they were getting divorced.
Still very sad. Lady Lopez will soon be on her way to Elizabeth Taylor status...mark my words. Because let's face it, she won't be alone for long. She loves the comfort of a companion. 

Image: INF Daily

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