Monday, March 22, 2010

Mo'Nique Offers Kind Words For Sandra Bullock!

Fellow Oscar winner Monique wishes Sandra Bullock all the best after allegations have surfaced that Bullock's husband Jesse James has cheated on her with some random "tattoo lady"!

Monique spoke to Entertainment Tonight and offered these kind words to Sandra:
"To my sweet sister Sandra, my prayers are with you. My prayers are also with your husband, baby. That is between the two of you and I hope ya'll make it work."
I agree wholeheartedly with this!
"It's hard," Mo'Nique went on, "but that's their business. Let them go through their situation ... I don't wish her nothing but happiness, along with her husband. ... I don't want to see any marriages dissolve or break up. Sandra, if you need me, sugar, call me, baby..."
Classic Mo'Nique! She got more "sugar's" and "baby's" in her vocabulary than I can count!!! COT DAMN!

Nonetheless, that was really nice of you Nique-Nique! Because WE ALL know you ain't leaving Syd if he messes around with the "tattoo lady"! That ain't a deal breaker for you, eh!

1 comment:

  1. NOOOOOO MOnique she does not want your advice. SHe doesnt want her husband sleeping with other woman. It is not ok with her MOnique. SHe dont need to call you for NATHAN.
