Friday, March 26, 2010

Reggie Bush Sets The Record Straight Via Twitter!

So, rumors have been flying around for the past few days that Reggie Bush cheated on Kim Kardashian with a woman named January Gessert, and that is the REAL reason that him and the famous Kardashian are on a hiatus.

Well, Reggie didn't take this allegation lying down (and I don't blame!).

Reggie just tweeted:
Clarification 4 the dummies aka the media, January is a long time friend of mine & has been dating my best friend for 6 months. Sorry! Lol! ALL THE LADIES, STEP RIGHT UP! If you would like to be the next person linked to dating Reggie Bush all you gotta do is stand next to him!!!
Anytime I want I could easily dispell half the BS the media comes up w/, but I think it's more fun to let them make an a#$ out of themselves.
Well there you have it, Dancers!

Carry On......

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