Friday, September 17, 2010

Adam Lambert Attacks A Paparazzo!

DAMN, whoadie!!!

It appears that rocker Adam Lambert lost his temper yesterday while vacationing on the beach in Miami, Florida.

An onlooker says, "Suddenly, as Adam walked back to his hotel he jumped on the photographers on the beach, with a friend having to pull him off."

Confirming the beach blowout, Lambert tweeted, "Eeew paparazzi killed my peaceful afternoon on the beach!"

A short while later, he added, "They're real good at provoking, but there ain't any pics or video of the b.s. they spew out... Haha well... I lost my temper for a sec but wow it felt great lol MIAMI!!!"

Damn Adam, this is not a good look for YOU! Yes, the paps do a very good job of provoking celebs by saying and even doing many rude things, but you have to get a hold of yourself buddy! You are a celeb now. The press will only report YOUR actions.

More flix under the break.....

Ummmmm, are you chasing him???
MY HEAVENS! This can't be good.....

Images: Splash

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