Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Black Woman Voices Disappointment To Obama (VIDEO)

In a Town Hall meeting, a woman by the name of Velma (black woman) admitted to President Obama that she is one of his middle class supporters who is exhausted and deeply disappointed in him right now.

YEP, sho' did....right to his face!

Peep the video to let us know your thoughts on Lady Velma's statement to the Prez.

I personally feel that Obama is doing THE BEST job he can do considering all that is on his plate (economic crisis, 2 wars, health care, "don't ask, don't tell", etc). But I can totally understand the frustrations of many Americans. 


  1. Y am i sitting here crying from this video. I with all my heart feel the frustration and anger that this woman is feeling becuase her expectations were so high when electing our president and Y her name gotta be "Velma". Mr pres did a great job when empathizing with this woman b/c he first understood where she was coming from and them made a few pointers on how he has helped her since being in office. People need to understand the pres is not able to knock on ur doors personally but he has knocked on our doors as a nation. but y he had to pull her card about her credit cards lol i luv it. that is what u call keeping it 100. i need to get myself together but this video really moved me and my pres handles his self w/so much swag and confidence. I AM HATING ON MICHELLE RIGHT NOW>>>>>>>>> lets give our president a lil more time people

  2. o yeah and she wasnt thinking bout y she gotta eat beans/hot dogs or her kids when she bought them new shoes mentioned and got the wig piece done not were u VELMA. hahahahaha my bad u just had to

  3. locs of color u r insane! LOL!!!!
    get em Velma!
