Monday, November 8, 2010

Lil Allen Recovering From Miscarriage AND Blood Poisoning

This is still such a terribly sad situation!
Less than a week after suffering a second miscarriage, Lil Allen was rushed to a London hospital on Friday to be treated for a blood-poisoning condition. The singer is being treated for septicaemia and is currently recovering from the potentially fatal condition. Allen "is responding well to treatment and her condition continues to improve," says her rep, Murray Chalmers. The singer was hospitalized four days after a spokesman confirmed last Monday (Nov. 1) that she and boyfriend Sam Cooper had "lost their baby." Chalmers added that Allen has appreciated the letters that fans have sent her over the past week, and that she "again asks that she and partner Sam Cooper be left alone whilst she recovers." On Friday, the singer wrote to her 2.4 million Twitter followers, "Thank you for all your kind messages."        
As if she needs anymore stress in her life.


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