Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Miley Cyrus' Mom Cheated With Bret Michaels?

Ut Oh......

According to US Weekly, the cause of the split between Miley Cyrus' parents, Tish and Bill Ray Cyrus, had to do with Miley's mom having an affair with Bret Michaels?

No need to read that sentence over again.....you read it right the first time.

When Billy Ray learned of it, as well as at least one other fling (allegedly), he filed for divorce immediately. 

Bret became close to the Cyrus family back in February when Tish was seen at Bret's show at the Key Club in L.A.

A rep for Bret deny the allegations saying, "There has never been an affair or a fling," as well as a rep for Tish Cyrus. Although, a source insists, "It was a professional relationship that turned into something more."

Chiiiiile, where is the popcorn and large Coke??? This is about to get good!

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