Thursday, January 13, 2011

BETs "The Game" KILLS In The Ratings!!!

By how much you ask? 7.7 Million viewers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch out Jersey Shore.

Executive Producer of The Game Salim Akil says:
"We're coming out hitting hard. We really hope it opens BET up to more voices, to more people being able to come in and pitch shows and have a variety of different scripted shows on the network. BET has been absolutely top-notch in the way that they've been handling this, from allowing us to be creatively free…to the advertising to now having the cast at TCA. All of the things that we didn't get over there at CW, we're getting at BET. As a person and a viewer in any art form, you want to see yourself represented."
Well said, sir...well said!!!

This news is a true testament that the fans really can make a show sink or sail! KUDOS to "Us"!!!!!


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