Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kanye West Goes Off On Twitter.....AGAIN!

 As much as I LIVE for Kanye West, sometimes I wanna tell him to "pull his skirt down" and cut the dramatics OUT!

This time, Yeezy isn't happy with the media making a BIG to do about his Twitter message joking around with Britney Spears last week about her single going #1 on iTunes (if you missed our previous Post, CLICK HERE).

Sooooooooo, what do all celebs do when they want to bytch and complain about something? They take to Twitter and air their grievances. Peep his rant under the break.....

Just saw that MSNBC said I tried to start a twitter war with Brittany.
This shit takes the air out my lungs sometimes from blogs to news reports… enough already!!! All I do is focus on my work.
There’s a new lie everyday… a new media spin… I never got a watch with my face on it!!! A company tried to give that to me 9 yrs ago!
I’m one of the most considerate people in real life. Maybe over considerate. Over caring. Overly real.
There is no astronaut training for celebrity… even though this whole life is so outer space!
I was actually surprised that a record as raw as H*A*M could make it to #2 on Itunes.
How can u “let” someone be number one??!! That was the whole joke!!! I know intelligent people know this so bear with me.
When I said the comment about Brittney I was giving her props for being #1 not dissing her at all!
But stop making it seem that my aim is to hurt or down people! That’s just not my style!
As pop stars we’re all in this shit together! We on the inside of the TV!
If the media wants to make a story … just say I have atrocious spelling and terrible grammar…
If you don’t give em a story they just make one up. I’m just trying to focus & stay creative! Keep bringing dope shit to the world!
Once again thank you to all my fans who made MBDTF certified platinum!
You all give me the power and I never take it for granted. I am an extension of my listeners.
I won’t always say the right thing but my heart is always in the right place.
As much as I can understand your beef, 'Yeezy....sometimes it's best to keep our thoughts to ourselves.

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