Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Khloe Kardashian's HIGH FASHION "YRB" Magazine Cover

SICK SICK SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Khloe Kardashian is the new cover girl for YRB magazine. She took to her blog to write:
Hi my loves. I am so excited to finally be able to share with you my spread in YRB magazine!!! Isn’t it fab?! It’s so different from anything I’ve ever done, which was what made the shoot so fun for me! YRB is known for being very wild and crazy with the content they publish, so I jumped at the chance to work with them! I love experimenting with different looks and this was the perfect opportunity for me to do that.
The spread is definitely EDGY, DARING, and BOLD! I'm LOVING it....Go Khloe!

She was interviewed in the mag by famed blogger Perez Hilton. Peep the full spread along with some excerpts under the break....

 WERK, winch!!!
YAAAASSSS, Khlo-Money!!!

Perez: What do you feel is the biggest misconception about you? 
Khloe: Hmmmmm. Good question. I’m not sure, but when people meet me they normally have three things to say… 1. ‘Wow you are so tiny. You aren’t fat! Ok…’ Weird, but thanks, I guess? LOL 2. ‘OMG, you are so sweet!’ 3. ‘You aren’t that tall!’ Everyone that I meet thinks I should be 6’3” or taller. So funny, but I guess compared to Kourt and Kim I look super tall. I’m 5’10” and they are about 5’0” and 5’2,” so I do look tall. I’m really just normal and they are tiny little girls. LOL. 

Perez: I don’t think you ever talked about it, but how did you and Lamar meet? 
Khloe: I met him at a club. I hosted a “Welcome to the Lakers” party for Ron Artest, and we met there. I was so not interested in him at the time, and I was really rude to him. He asked me to go to IHOP after the party. I went, gave him my number afterwards, and the rest is history. 

Images: YRB


  1. Y'all know I RIDES for Khloe BUT she looks like a man in som FAB drag And she looking thick WHISPERING let's get back on the slim quick honey
