Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shakira And Boyfriend (Of 11 Years) Split!

11 years? In THIS industry? WOW....

Shakira and her boyfriend/agent of 11 years Antonio de la Rúa ended their relationship back in August, but are just announcing it publicly.
"We made a mutual decision to take time apart from our romantic relationship," they write. "We view this period of separation as temporary and as a time of individual growth as we continue to be partners in our business and professional lives." The also mention their "friendship and understanding of one another is unwavering and indestructible." They also called their 11 years together "the most wonderful years of our lives."
de la Rúa is the son of former president of Argentina.

What did he do? Cheating perhaps? Ahhhh, HELL...you all were thinking it!


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