Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This Is For YOU, Camille Grammer!!!


This display of PDA just reads INAUTHENTIC to me....enough already!

Kelsey Grammer and his new fiance Kayte Walsh were spotted on the streets of NYC engaged in an "ewwwww-worthy" smooch fest earlier today! I'm almost positive that this was done exactly for Kelsey's soon-to-be ex Camille Grammer.

Call me crazy, but I'm starting to like Camille now. Ever since she appeared on Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens Live talk show and fessed up to her ill behavior on the show, my walls started to come down. I knew that was going to happen....

Images: Splash

1 comment:

  1. That hoe was fake as he'll on Andy Cohen I still don't like her ew(n my Minaj voice)
