Monday, May 2, 2011

New Music Video: Jennifer Lopez Ft. Lil Wayne "I'm Into You"

Dancers, please get into my Mother, Jennifer Lopez, "pop-lockin'-and-droppin'" in her latest video for "I'm Into You" featuring Lil Wayne (who doesn't make an appearance in the vid).

Can we say GORGE?!?!? And NO, I'm not just saying that because she birthed me (YES, "birthed"). Lady Lopez is from another planet....absolutely stunning!

The vid is set in Chichen Itza, Mexico and even features a dance breakdown (Mother STILL has "IT" at 40+....Brit-Brit, as much as I love you, there should be NO EXCUSES!).

So Dancers, are you feeling it?

1 comment:

  1. yeah that bitch is beautiful and thats about it lol
