Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kim Kardashian And Miles Austin Are DUNZO (Again).....

Kim you may have to come to terms with your SINGLEDOM, doll! Who is going to put up with your lifestyle of gallivanting all over the Universe selling "Kardashian EVERYTHING"? Huh???? I'll wait for an answer.....

According to multiples sources close to the couple, “They broke up about a week ago. It’s typical after a break up for Kim to take some time by herself. When she broke up with Reggie, she went to Mexico and now after her break with Miles she went to Europe. I’m sure they’ll be on-and-off again but at the moment, they are 100 percent definitely off."

Ya know, I wish I cared about these two as a couple, but I'm thinking about putting them on the "Who Fives A Phuck" list like Speidi!

Kim, just get back with Reggie and have beautiful brown babies, k?

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