Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is "Big Poppa" Broke???

And by "broke", do we mean Flash BROKE or Bill Gates BROKE??? Because there is a HUGE difference, let me tell ya!

The word around town is Lee Najjar, ex-beau to RHOA Kim Zolciak, is experiencing some financial problems, as most of the country. Tenants of a local mall, Union Station Mall in Union City, Ga., (owned by Najjar) spent Tuesday evening moving out under the threat of losing their electricity.

WOW! You cant keep the lights on? Damn.....

We're hearing that the electricity hasn't been paid in MONTHS and one tenant reveals, "I'm more shocked than anything because I thought somebody would save us." And if that wasn't enough, the mall also owes a quarter of a million dollars in property taxes for the past three years. 

Ummmmm, you have enough space in your town home for Big Poppa and his family? I mean, he did hold you down for so many years. The least you can do is return the favor!

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