Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Holly Madison On Hugh Hefner's Engagement: "He Could Do Better"


In an exclusive interview with Life&Style magazine, former playmate and girlfriend to Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, Holly Madison speaks about her former lover's recent engagement:
"I'd like to see Hef settle down. I just want it to be with the right person, and I feel like he's making a hasty decision. I'm not sure Crystal is the best thing for him."
Of course she's not! Isn't she like 12? Ok...bad example. That would constitute molestation...moving along!
"Crystal hasn't been around very long -- she's a mysterious character. No one knows much about her. Plus, she's very young, probably too young to settle down. I've seen a lot of girls try to date Hef, and some have ulterior motives. I don't think it would be a bad idea for him to get to know her a little better. I think it's possible Crystal could break Hef's heart. They could end up divorcing, and she could take half his money."
Damn, Holly! How do you really feel?
"I wanted to check up in person. I told them that I wish them the best and that Crystal had better not do him wrong or else I'll kick her butt. It was definitely awkward. I'm not jealous that he'd marry someone else. I just don't want it to be a girl who's using him to start her career. Basically, I think he could do better than Crystal.
So what does Crystal have to say about all of this? "I've never been happier in my life. I'm so excited to be marrying Hef."


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