Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rickey Gervais Responds To Golden Globes Controversy

In a statement released on Monday because of rumors swirling that producers of the Golden Globes were none too pleased about his over-the-line comments during the early part of the show, host Ricky Gervais put out the following statement:
"Everyone took it well and the atmosphere backstage and at the after show was great."

As for his mysterious disappearance, Gervais explained, "I did every single introduction I was meant to. There just happened to be a long gap. This is because I was allowed to choose who I would introduce in advance. I obviously chose presenters who I had the best jokes for. (And who I knew had a good sense of humor)."
Meanwhile, HFPA president Philip Berk had ill feelings over his introduction by Ricky, as he said, "I just had to help him off the toilet and pop his teeth in."

To this, Berk told, "Some of the things he said were totally unacceptable."
Unacceptable to who? Maybe YOU, but you can't speak for everyone! I swear some people need to lighten up!!! Celebs are not above being clowned or joked about. If you're in the entertainment biz, you better grow thick skin, because EVERYONE will have an opinion about you.


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