Friday, October 15, 2010

Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar Walk Off "The View"

In what turned out to be a HEATED debate between Whoopi Goldberg/Joy Behar v. Bill O'Reilly yesterday on The View, things got so bad that the 'liberal duo' decided to leave the set. 

And what prompted the firestorm? A discussion about the proposed Islamic cultural center in downtown Manhattan.

Of all days that I could NOT watch The View yesterday, lots of drama would pop off, huh?!

In a nutshell, this is what happened:
O'Reilly insisted it would be "inappropriate" to have a Muslim place of worship so near to Ground Zero. This prompted Whoopi Goldberg to inquire, "Why is it inappropriate?" To which O'Reilly replied, "Because Muslims killed us on 9/11." As the cast devolved into loud protests and O'Reilly defended his remark, Goldberg shot back that "extremists" attacked the World Trade Center while the Fox News host continued to defend his views. With that, Behar rose from the couch, visibly upset. "I don't want to sit here," she told O'Reilly, as she stood over him. Goldberg also calmly rose from the sofa and joined her, waving as she walked off the set. After the ladies left, Barbara Walters told the audience, "we should be able to have discussion without . . . walking off stage."
BRAVO, Babs!!! Lawd knows, I don't agree with ANYTHING O'Reilly says, but I wouldn't have walked off. This is AMERICA...people should be able to give their opinions (Whoopi and Joy too) without the other person "walking off a television set".

LET'S BE CLEAR: I'm still TEAM WHOOPI/JOY all day!

Peep the video above.

PS - Bill O'Reilly is an AZZHOLE!!! All Muslims killed us on 9/11??? How PHUCKIN' ignorant! And he's still on TV?


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